April - June 2024

New Staff

Welcome to our new superannuation expert, Louise Isaacs (Left) and our new Senior Manager Deanna Bills (Right). 

Bring your dog to work day!

It looks like Janessa has some help on reception, from Managing Director – James Orchard’s dog, Posie!

Accru National Conference

In April our Directors and Managers attended the Accru National Conference, They thoroughly enjoyed the experience, connecting with some new faces and catch up with familiar ones. 

Staff Wellness

To further our staff wellness initiative, we recently hosted Dr. Tom Nehmy for an enlightening Healthy Minds session on ‘Sleep Secrets.’

Additionally, we are excited to introduce Manu from Healthy Sparkle Nutritious Delights! (pictured left, with a team member T). Manu has joined our team to support a healthier, more balanced lifestyle by offering pre-made dinners and lunches, allowing our team members to enjoy more quality time with their families.

For our first delivery, Manu has prepared 104 delicious meals. Based in Goolwa, Manu prioritises sourcing ingredients from the Fleurieu Peninsula. We are thrilled to have you on board, Manu!

Staff Wellness

Australian Accounting Awards 2024

Well done to Sam Facy and Jimmy Morrison who were BOTH shortlisted as Finalists in the Australian Accounting Awards 2024. Sam is a Finalist for Superannuation Auditor of the Year, and Jimmy for Superannuation Specialist Accountant of the Year, placing them among the top accounting professionals and businesses worldwide. 

Congratulations to Sam Facy on winning Superannuation Auditor of the Year at the Australian Accounting Awards! While we considered using AI to place Sam’s head in the winning photo, Michael Schluter from Audit Your Superfund did a fantastic job as a stand-in. The event was attended by Michael and Jimmy Morrison, while Sam, unfortunately overseas, missed all the fun.


Biggest morning tea

We hosted Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea again this year, all team members enjoyed – especially Toby (brought in by our Senior Manager, Natalie Spillane). So cute! How could you resist giving him something off your plate! #biggestmorningtea #allofusagainstcancer

Australian of the Year Luncheon 

This year, Kimberley French, Courtney Reynolds and Jaya Lozano, had the pleasure of attending the 2024 Australian of the Year luncheon, organised by Australia Day Council in South Australia.