Business leaders are often skeptical about hiring Millennials and, now, Generation Z. The members of these two generations – roughly, those born between 1981 and 1995 and between 1996 and 2012, respectively – are often seen by Baby Boomers and Gen X’ers as being lazy, glued to their phones, quick to leave jobs and too focused on “what’s in it for them.”

But as of 2020, the global workplace is 50% Millennials. Gen Z’ers are just starting to enter the workforce, but they make up 1/3 of the global population. And while both of these groups seem to get a bad rap, they have many positive traits and strengths that will help your business post-COVID and in the long-term.
With that in mind, here are three reasons why Millennials and Gen Z’ers are key for your business in a post-COVID world.
- They’ll work hard for you
Millennials and Gen Z’ers are often accused of being lazy. Actually, most of them are very hard and smart workers – they just want to work on their own, preferably with a flexible schedule whenever possible. They’re also very good at using technology to get things done quickly and efficiently (more on that in a moment).Also, both generations want to work hard for and stay with companies where they feel a strong sense of meaning and purpose. In a recent survey, 93% of Gen Z’ers said that a company’s impact on society affects their decision to work there. Salary is important, but company values matter. Also, a new 2020 Deloitte survey found that for these two groups, the COVID pandemic has reinforced their desire to help drive positive change and push for a world in which businesses mirror that commitment, “putting people ahead of profits.” - They’re great with technology
Both the Millennial and Gen Z generation grew up surrounded by IT. They’re not afraid of the latest devices, new apps or software upgrades and they’re often happy to show others how to use technology. Working from home or on the go? Not a problem.During COVID, companies that have embraced new technologies have often done best because technology has helped meet customers’ needs, improved customer service and kept their customers and their workforce safe. Millennials and Gen Z’ers are great at bringing new technology into your company and finding ways to help you do things better. Post-COVID, technology will remain extremely important and will keep changing, so having these two groups on board will help you stay competitive in the future. - They’re resourceful
Millennials and Gen Z’ers are fast learners and quick to find answers when needed. They like to learn and find answers. If they don’t have immediate solutions, they rapidly and effectively search for them online and by reaching out to personal networks. Their strong IT skills help here, too. In a post-COVID business environment, you’ll need this ability to find answers, explore new solutions and ways of doing things.
So, if you haven’t already started, now is the time to start finding and attracting great Millennials and Gen Z’ers for the long-term success of your company.
Need a little help determining how these employees will fit into your overall growth plans? Contact the experts at Accru today.